Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming
Tony Alamo
Pastor Tony Alamo Revelation 11 & 12 - #766 Part 1
Pastor Alamo reads and comments on the Book of Revelation chapters 11-12. This program is part of a series covering the entire Book of Revelation
The antichrist is closer to you that you have any realization. So this evil one he exalts himself above all that is called God or is worshiped. So he, as God sits in the temple of God. Well what is the temple of God? He moves into you just as it says in II Thessalonians chapter 2 and 4. You're the temple of God so he moves into you, because you have a lot of pride in you in the first place and therefore its easy.
Pastor Tony Alamo Revelation 11 & 12 - #766 Part 1
Pastor Alamo reads and comments on the Book of Revelation chapters 11-12. This program is part of a series covering the entire Book of Revelation
The antichrist is closer to you that you have any realization. So this evil one he exalts himself above all that is called God or is worshiped. So he, as God sits in the temple of God. Well what is the temple of God? He moves into you just as it says in II Thessalonians chapter 2 and 4. You're the temple of God so he moves into you, because you have a lot of pride in you in the first place and therefore its easy.
Blessed2Teach with Rick Rene
Hearing From God Stacy Whited - PraiseNPrayer
Hearing From God Stacy Whited - PraiseNPrayer