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Stephen Krasner
Far too long we have not had an open, transparent and forward discussion about the dysfunction surrounding our nation’s Family Court System—well we have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody in the United States. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous and unethical actions committed by players in the legal arena and sometimes (knowingly and unknowingly) enabled by the very court's people believe will determine fact from fiction.

Many parents and children have an uphill challenge awaiting them as they seek what many others before the law and courts seek—fairness and the right to be heard. 

A Broken System: Family Court in the United States, Volume 1 is the first of two anthologies, the collected articles regularly published with The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project. The book presents research, facts, and interviews with the many people embroiled in these systems—written through the unique lens of someone who has experienced it all—allowing the reader an inside look at the implications, adverse impact and potential remedies to the problems these ordeals present each and every day.
United States

Stephen Krasner was born in Washington, D.C., growing up in the Maryland suburbs before attending the University of Hartford where he earned his undergraduate degree and later earned his Master's degree from The New School.  

He has been a regular contributor for the HuffPost and the Good Men Project, works as a paralegal in New York, ran for elected office, managed political campaigns and spent two years in Ecuador serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. 

His first book, "A Broken System: Family Court in the United States" is a collection of articles written on the subject of the dysfunction within the Family Court system. This is the first of two volumes (the second of which coming out in July 2018) that will be followed by his book, "A Broken System: The Underbelly of Family Law" slated for publication in the Spring of 2019.

A Broken System: Family Court in the United States
Pamela Foland


My name is Pamela Foland.  I’m an independent children’s book author.  I’m contacting you interested in doing an interview about my middle grade book series.   My mission is to teach children proper pet care through my books.

My middle grade series, Megan’s World, has earned the Reader’s Favorite 5-star review seal on all three books.  The third book, Megan the Pet Whisperer, is being released on March 6, 2018.  Each book has realistic pet care details based on my own experience.  The books center around thirteen-year-old pet lover Megan Thompson.  Megan is a motivated independent girl, who is willing to work hard and learn about the pets she cares for.  I hope Megan will inspire children want to learn about pet care and be willing to do the work that comes with having a pet.

The character of Megan is based on myself at thirteen years old.   All of the pets she cares for and scrapes she gets into are based on my own experiences.  Having raised a litter of one-day-old kittens, worked in pet resorts as a dog trainer, pet sitting for numerous clients, and caring for my own pets, I have a wealth of pet care knowledge. 

With kitten and puppy season coming up, many families are going to be tempted to adopt a pet for their children.   Unfortunately, a large number of these kittens and puppies will end up in the shelter when the children loose interest after a few months.  If everyone, including children, understands the responsibility and time it takes to have a pet, then the shelters wouldn’t be over crowded.  Each pet would have a loving home, and each child would know the unconditional love that only a pet can offer.

Please give me a call to discuss at 214-662-2782.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


Pamela Foland


Pamela Foland grew up in Plano, Texas.  She graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Business in 2005.

Her love of animals started at a very young age.  As a child, she was constantly bringing home stray dogs, and injured birds.

As an adult, her love of animals has only grown stronger.  Pamela has worked in numerous pet hotels as a dog trainer and is certified to teach pet first aid and CPR.  All her experience with pets culminated four years ago when Pamela found and raised an abandoned litter of day-old kittens.  Not able to part with any of these now-grown babies, Pamela enjoys going home to her "little munchkins" every night.  This experience gave Pamela the inspiration for her series debut, Megan's Munchkins.

Pamela will always have a special affinity with Megan because of their shared experiences.  She truly believes there are few experiences in life more compelling than saving the life of another being. 

Megan's World Book Series
Daniella and Bruce Fenton


Ancient News Publishing

P: +61434013866



Past Life Memories Lead Researchers to Physical Evidence of Prehistoric Extraterrestrial Visitation

Bathurst, NSW, Australia—Parapsychological Researcher, Daniella Fenton, has spent the last half-a-decade working alongside her husband investigating the workings of consciousness and the mysterious origins of modern humans. Fenton’s most recent project involved testing the validity of past life memories, specifically those recovered from over twenty individuals that involved recollections of alien visitation to our planet around 800,000 years ago.

Daniella Fenton has a rather interesting background, not only a certified regression therapist but also licensed by the Peruvian government to practice indigenous shamanism. “That past life memories often provide valid information is not new, this has long been established as fact, thanks largely to the extensive research of Professor Ian Stevenson,” says Fenton.

Stevenson, a distinguished University of Virginia psychiatrist, was the first scientist to use rigid scientific protocols to validate spontaneously recalled past-life memories. Stevenson published over 300 papers on reincarnation, his seminal work being Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects (1997).

Fenton continues, “I wanted to see if these recalled ‘extraterrestrial lives’ could provide details sufficient to lead us to objective evidence, thus validating the recorded stories. Incredibly, we eventually located a material discovery which is equivalent to the black monolith depicted in Kubrick’s film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.”

To further validate claims in the accounts, Fenton enlisted the assistance of her husband, author of the acclaimed pop-science book The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution (2017). The subseuqnt investigation identified several anomalies in early human DNA associated with the same date attributed to the identified physical evidence.

In her upcoming book Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of our 800,000-year-old Alien Legacy Fenton offers the ‘out of this world’ results of her unique study, sharing details of the physical and biological evidence for the first time in public.

Daniella and Bruce Fenton are a husband and wife research team based in Bathurst, NSW. Between them, they investigate a wide range of subject areas including archaeology, palaeoanthropology, shamanism, mythology, ufology and psychism. Daniella is an experienced psychic medium and has also trained in Ecuador's Andean shamanic practices and holds a licence to practice shamanic healing in Peru. Bruce has featured on the popular Science Channel show 'The Unexplained Files' as well as featuring in various online media. They have co-authed several books, their most recent being The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution & Hybrid Humans: Scientific EVidence of our 800,000-year-old alien legacy.
Hybrid Humans cover
Don Jans

I have been a guest on many radio programs including a weekly guest for the last four years on a single program.  I have also spoken to different groups coast to coast.  I write a daily blog.  My latest book, "The Road To Tyranny, Individualism to Collectivism," contrasts the philosophies and principles upon which the United States was founded with the philosophies and principles of collectivism, which we have been following for at least the last 100 years.  I am not politically correct nor do I use bombastic bumper sticker phrases.  I do not reserve my critiques for a single political party but am an equal opportunity revealer of those who would lead us down "The Road To Tyranny."


Author of three books,  Lifelong student of history specializing in Russian history which has led to at 20 plus year study in Marxism and overall Collectivism.  I have been regarded as an expert with the unique ability to relate the Marxist and Collectivist philosophies to simple to understand language and relate it to current happenings and circumstances in the United States.

Irene van Leeuwen

As an animal communicator and healer I lovingly help people gain more insight into their animal's feelings. I also support people with deepening their relationship with their animals. Furthermore, a consultation provides people with a deeper understanding of who they are themselves. I can also guide people and their animals during periods of transition and I can connect with animals that have crossed over.

In addition to my work with people and their animal companions I offer healing on a worldwide scale for neglected and abused animals like elephants, other wild animals and pets that are killed during festivals and traditional gatherings. 

Animals have important messages for us. Are we ready and willing to open our hearts, be vulnerable and listen?


In 1999 I took my first class in animal communication not knowing that this would change my life forever: I gradually found out how rich the animal kingdom is and what animals have to teach us.

In 2003 I started my own practice as a professional animal communicator and healer. I have helped many animals and their people understand each other at a deeper level. I have also done many healings and am always grateful, when people ask me for help and give me their trust. Every consultation is a unique journey and I am always open for new experiences. 

My husband and I live together with a large cat family from different countries. They all suffered neglect and abuse. We also take care of four pony's from a rescue organisation. Together we heal and grow. 

Dr Jacob Liberman

Luminous Life:  How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living


Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman

With Gina Liberman and Erik Liberman

Light is the Key to Optimal Health, Contentment and a Life Filled With Purpose

Dear BBS Host:

Your eyes are the windows to your soul — the key to “seeing the light” that expands your consciousness, allowing you to experience greater presence and aliveness than ever before.

That’s the premise in Dr. Liberman’s newest book, Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living. Integrating 40 years of research, practice and direct experience, this groundbreaking book presents a new science of life.

Dr. Liberman’s journey began early in his optometric career, when he experienced a sudden, significant, and permanent improvement in his vision during a meditative experience. This seemingly inexplicable event led him to question standard medical beliefs and practices, investigate the therapeutic value of light and color, and wonder if our fundamental ideas about life are flawed.

His initial research revealed that most of us are not looking where we think we’re looking. Our “mind’s eye” is not focused on the same location as our physical eyes. But when this misalignment is corrected through simple practices, vision improves and presence expands, impacting many other important aspects of our lives.

Dr. Liberman also found that what’s “catching our eye” is actually looking for us. So he conducted an experiment, allowing everything that “caught his eye” to guide his action. After attempting to respond to life, rather than trying to direct it, he experienced an extraordinary level of ease, joy and connection with everything that entered his awareness. Things flowed without effort or struggle. By allowing the light that attracted him to effortlessly focus his eyes and attention, he experienced true “presence” — and discovered that light is always guiding us and illuminating our path. According to Dr. Liberman, “Presence is an involuntary response to an invitation by life’s intelligence pointing us toward our maximum potential.”

Despite popular belief, presence is not about thinking ahead or trying to be here now. It’s a naturally occurring state that arises when our eyes and mind, activated by light, focus on the same place at the same time. In response to light’s guidance, our eyes begin an intricate dance of aiming, focusing, tracking, and teaming, bringing us to extraordinary states of awareness without effort.

Dr. Liberman is the author of two other seminal books on light and vision, and the developer of the first FDA-cleared medical device for vision improvement. His years of clinical research and direct experience have led him to a new philosophy of life that can be implemented by anyone at home, resulting in profound transformation that is rapid, significant, and permanent.

Dr. Liberman will fascinate and illuminate your audience as he explains how:

-  Every function of the body is guided by and dependent upon light.

-  Our receptivity to light impacts our health and relationships on every level.

-  A series of simple exercises can help us live more effortlessly in “the zone.”

-  We are continually guided by the intelligence of life, revealing the true meaning of presence.

If you would like to interview Dr. Liberman about his new book, Luminous Life,  please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and the author of numerous books, including Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living, set for publication by New World Library in early 2018.

Originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist, his life changed in 1976 after the miraculous healing of his eyesight, leading him to a deeper understanding of light and the science of life. Having helped countless individuals recover their eyesight, he began to understand the words of Jonathan Swift, “Real vision is the ability to see the invisible.”

An internationally-respected author and public speaker, Dr. Liberman’s work has been lauded by bestselling authors and world-renowned thought leaders from Eckhart Tolle to Deepak Chopra. His first book, Light: Medicine Of The Future (Inner Traditions Bear & Company, 1991), established him as one of the leading authorities on light and color therapy in the world. His second book, Take Off Your Glasses And See: A Mind/Body Approach To Expanding Your Eyesight And Insight (Crown, 1995), was inspired by the recovery of his vision and offered a radical new approach to natural vision improvement. Wisdom From An Empty Mind (2001), a compilation of spiritual essays, written and self-published by Dr. Liberman and his son Erik, received praise from award-winning artists and spiritual luminaries.

Dr. Liberman earned a Doctorate of Optometry from Southern College of Optometry, a Ph.D. in Vision Science from the College of Syntonic Optometry, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines. He is the Past President of the College of Syntonic Optometry and the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies And Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM). He is a Fellow Emeritus of the American Academy of Optometry, College of Syntonic Optometry, College of Optometrists in Vision Development, and International Academy of Color Sciences.

A recipient of the H.R. Spitler Award for his groundbreaking contributions to the field of phototherapy, Dr. Liberman is the inventor of the Vis-Flex, Color Receptivity Trainer, Spectral Receptivity System I & II, and EYEPORT Vision Training System, the first FDA-cleared medical device that significantly improves overall visual performance. He is on the Board of Directors for the International Light Association and is a faculty member of the Institute for Scientific Exploration. He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability, as well as Nura Health SPC, working together with other distinguished experts to develop an informational platform for documenting Integrative Medicine.

Sharing his discoveries about light as a spiritual science, Dr. Liberman has addressed more than 2,000 live audiences worldwide and has been featured in countless journals, television, radio, print and online media. Gently piercing the heart and mind with timeless principles and common sense wisdom, Liberman illuminates the seamless connection between light, vision and consciousness, offering a whole new way of seeing and being.

Luminous Life:
Brittany Johnson

Numerology shows that don't sound New Age.  Energetic, upbeat, and creative. 

Numerology is solid entertainment. I do Numerology for dating, jobs, career path of self awareness.  I love doing Numerology shows on hot topics people, movies, or current events.  I can analyze a move based on Numerology and show the patterns in persons life.  Example Tonya Harting, or even Wintson Churchill movies are in theaters,  I enjoy looking at charts of creative people or legends. I will look at  bands like the Beatles or Tom Petty and show how Numerology worked in their life.   Numerology is so engaging and accurate.

Remember, Numerology is a container of energy and information.  I do New age shows, that don't sound new age.  

Everyone has a birth date. The 6 digits of your birth hold much information. I know a rare method. It is thousands of years old, and is highly accurate and very fun. 

I have done thousands of  Numerology charts, and taught  thousands of Yoga classes.  My past included writing a book, and creating a yoga accessory and a yoga school. 

Liberty Forrest

I had just turned 16. I woke up one morning, having had a horrific dream that my two closest childhood friends were dead.

As I dressed for school, I couldn't shake the feeling -- or the images in the dream. I went to the kitchen and as I sat at the table for breakfast, I told my parents the details of the disturbing dream. They looked at each other like I had six heads before my dad went to get the morning paper from the living room.

Unceremoniously plunking it in front of me, he pointed to an article. The terrible dream had, in fact, been a message from beyond the grave. The sisters were dead. And I was completely unhinged.

That incident opened a floodgate of activity and ability as a psychic and medium. There might have been many before it, but I was living in a highly toxic, frightening environment, too focused on my daily survival to be able to connect with those subtler energies.

Over the years, these abilities evolved and developed. I was terrified of them for years, especially after someone I trusted and respected said that this was happening because I'd been possessed by Satan. It was a long journey to get to the point of understanding -- and embracing -- why I "just knew" information about people or events, or how I could communicate with those who had returned to the spirit realm. 

For five years, I appeared approximately monthly on BBC Radio doing "psychic phone-ins." I also did stage work as a medium. I loved those opportunities to give people a bit of hope or insight, or to connect them with a loved one in spirit. 

There are few things more rewarding than when facilitating the finishing of unfinished business when one of the parties is in the spirit world. It's never too late to heal a painful wound, even from beyond the grave.

With my background in social work and counselling, combined with my own challenging healing journey, I'm able to provide compassionate, heart-centered readings. 

Over the years, I've discovered that people are fascinated with the idea of being a psychic and medium and they love discussion, education and information about it. I'm frequently asked many questions about various aspects of my life and work, such as:

What are the "Dos and Don'ts" when approaching a psychic or medium and having a reading?  Can traditional prediction-based readings be harmful to clients? How can you be sure that little voice you're hearing inside is your intuition and not just you talking to yourself? Does everyone has psychic ability? How can you tell if you're psychic or a medium? ...and what's the difference between the two? How can a reading be helpful? How can you tell if a psychic/medium is reputable, ethical or responsible? How can I tell if my departed loved ones are trying to communicate with me? Can having a reading change the course of events in the future? What is it like communicating with spirits?

These are just some of the many topics that people have raised over the years and that would make excellent talking points for interviews.

I know how it feels to lose hope, or to feel stuck and not know which way to turn. My whole life has been dedicated to giving hope and offering comfort and healing to as many people as possible. I'm always honoured for any chance to do this, and being a radio show guest is an excellent opportunity to do just that.


In childhood, Liberty Forrest discovered her abilities as a psychic and medium, which continued to develop over the years, leading her to do readings professionally. 

Eventually, she took to the stage where she connected audience members with loved ones in spirit. For five years, she appeared approximately monthly on BBC Radio doing "psychic phone-ins." 

Like too many others in the world, Liberty grew up in a highly toxic and abusive environment, which left her ill-equipped to handle the numerous brutal challenges that she would face after leaving home at 16. Her life went from bad to very much worse, but this was also the foundation for her journey of healing. 

Combining her personal experiences and life lessons with her background in the social work/counselling industry, currently Liberty enjoys doing readings for clients over the phone or internet, offering compassionate heart-cantered guidance to help them get unstuck and moving forward. She also assists people in developing their own abilities as psychics and mediums, including offering one-on-one guidance to help them fully access their intuitive abilities. 

Liberty is also an award-winning author, a Huffington Post contributor, a columnist, and has had numerous articles printed in many publications around the globe. She has produced several books on inspirational self-help topics and also writes paranormal thriller saga fiction.

She loves doing stand-up comedy and enjoys incorporating humour into her work wherever possible, believing that when we can finally get to the point of laughing at our foibles, we have truly found healing. And in the meantime, it can sure make the hard times a little softer around the edges.

Gary Alan

Just go to web site and you see that I bring to the table as a guest and Host.


Go to web site for all info.