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Brent Michael Phillips

The Formula for Miracles: Where Science Reveals the Secrets of the Spirit

By Brent Michael Phillips

Former Skeptic Engineer-Turned-Healer Offers a Faster Path to Healing and Higher Consciousness Using Theta Brain Waves

And Phillips Formula Opens the Door for Accessing SupraNatural Powers Beyond Healing

Dear BBS Host:

Brent Phillips was a web and video game developing pioneer at the dawn of the commercial internet era. An MIT graduate, he left his PhD studies at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science to cash in on the infinite possibilities that the worldwide web offered. Success came fast!

Does this, then, seem at all like someone who 20 years later would be an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and healer? One who has used his engineering skills to source and present a faster path to healing and higher consciousness than attainable through other methods, a formula that often creates instant “miracles”. Hence, the first book in his healing trilogy, The Formula for Miracles: Where Science Reveals the Secrets of the Spirit.

For Phillips, in 1995, his future seemed assured. He was always at the top of his class, a leader who others followed, innovating in his chosen scientifically-based field. There was a way to prove and predict everything. All was going perfectly—until it wasn’t. 

Overwhelmed by the stress of working 100+ hour weeks with few breaks, he started to experience devastating repetitive stress injuries. And that’s where it began. Before long, he could not work, his body began to break down in extremely painful ways, and he spiraled into depression.

In desperation, after several years of pain and unemployment, he agreed to explore non-traditional forms of healing—bodywork, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.—treatments that worked only marginally. Finally in 2003, he encountered someone who gave him the key to unlock his subconscious. That’s when his Miracle Healings began.

Seeing how everything had changed for him personally, Phillips committed himself to studying, understanding and exploring the connection between human behavior, spirit and science. What he learned and discovered about theta brain waves--enabled him to access extraordinary SupraNatural powers of healing, intuitive abilities, knowledge beyond learning, spiritual connection, oneness and more.

Today, he has gone on to become a sought-after healer, author, speaker and leader on healing and achieving these SupraNatural levels of higher consciousness—faster and more easily than can be achieved through other means. It’s the speed at which this transformational takes place that has burnished Phillip’s reputation and demand globally.

And he is especially regarded by so many who themselves have been skeptical of anything that hasn’t gotten the seal of approval from the scientific and medical hierarchy. They are willing to venture out to consider the findings of a former scientist and engineer.

Phillip’s Awakening Dynamics System and his books are the cornerstones of his superhighway to higher consciousness.

If you would like to interview Brent Phillips and on the revelations awaiting in his Awakening Dynamics System and The Formula for Miracles, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Brent Michael Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a staggering physical challenge when chronic pain landed him on permanent disability and then his arm became paralyzed after a surgery. After a long battle of unsuccessful treatments, Brent experienced a miracle when he his elbow instantly healed from energy healing.

Knowing his life path was fortuitously altered, he then spent years studying with various master healers and spiritual teachers to discover and reverse-engineer the scientific laws and principles underlying miraculous instant healing, financial abundance, and even enlightenment.

Today he is the founder of Awakening Dynamics, an internationally known and best-selling author and speaker, and the media has called him the "#1 most powerful American healer and spiritual teacher." He's also a frequent and popular guest on local and national TV as well as radio, helping people around the world to overcome suffering with the world’s most advanced consciousness technology.

Brent has greatly simplified and improved energy healing and higher consciousness so that anybody can quickly become a master healer, no special talent or skill required!

Dr Robert Puff PhD

Do you ever wonder what it takes to lead a peaceful, happy life?  Are you curious about the specific steps involved in a self-actualized, limitless life? Are you struggling with anxiety or depression? Or are you just plain tired and want some help? We explore all these concerns and more every week on the Happiness Podcast, which has been downloaded over 3 million times since its inception. Happiness does not happen by chance, but because we take specific actions in our lives to create it. Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D., author of 13 books, TV show host, Psychology Today blogger, and corporate trainer, has been studying the actions it takes to reach the highest levels of human achievement for decades, and he wants to share what he knows with you. Come and explore, along with millions of others from the Happiness Podcast, Dr. Puff books, Psychology Today blog, and corporate workshop attendees, the specific steps to take so that you can soar in your life.


Dr. Robert Puff is a corporate trainer and international expert on happiness who has authored 13 books. He has spoken all over the world and has been the subject of over a thousand media interviews. He currently hosts the top-ranking Happiness Podcast in both the popular Health and Self-Help categories. 

For more than 30 years, Dr. Puff has helped people improve their lives in important ways. He is a columnist for Psychology Today and co-host and producer for the Holistic Success Show series that aired on the Discovery Channel's Fit TV. 

For several years, Dr. Puff had been ranked as the number one U.S. “clinical psychologist” on Google. His two books, Finding Our Happiness Flow, and Anger Work: How to Express Your Anger and Still be Kind, have been on the Best Seller list at His book, How to Live a Positive Life: The Art of Living Well, was a number-one bestseller at iTunes books in the “Self-Improvement” category. 

He regularly helps people and businesses all over the world via his corporate workshops.

James Duignam

I would like to be interviewed about my new book, Soular Return, Soulutions For Body, Mind and Soul, and the work I do as a Health Coach. The book is about spirituality, focusing on reincarnation, Self-discovery and a holistic approach to supporting the body, mind and soul. The book’s title Soular Return means “soul return.” A soul that has returned (reincarnated) for its development and evolution in a human body. The book is a culmination of ten years of studying about the body, mind and soul, and working with clients.

I begin the book by sharing about the seminal events that shaped my life that guided me to become a health coach, such as overcoming depression and heartbreak. And from my heartbreak experience I found my purpose in life, and embarked on a journey to understanding life, who am, why am I here, who is God, what happens when we die and what is my life purpose. All of these lay dormant as potential within me, until I had a heart breaking experience that opened me up, and showed me new avenues to pursue in my life, and put me on my path to health and wellness.

From there (in the book), I segue into my understanding of reincarnation, self-discovery and the Absoulute, the Creator. Then I describe about the body and mind, and conclude by offering Soulutions to support them (body, mind and soul).

Topics discussed in the book include:

The Soul and Reincarnation (Soular Return) Self-discovery The Creator: On a mission from God. The Body and Mind: the Human Energy Fields Soulutions for the Body, Mind and Soul

Moreover, I believe that we are at a pivotal time in our evolution. It is a time of transition and transformation, to a new age of consciousness. A time for cooperation and community, for working together, for opening our hearts, and living from the higher Self, our soul, instead of the fear-based ego and intellect. With more interest in spirituality, alternative healing and wellbeing, I am passionate about sharing my message of hope and understanding in these times of chaos and uncertainty. I wish to inspire and empower others to live their best life possible and to realize we are a conduct through which the universe or God works through. We are co-creators with the divine and have a divine and sacred nature to our life. We are here to develop and evolve our soul, maybe pay a karmic debt, and fulfill a purpose, if we choose to do the work.

Also, I would like to share about my approach to supporting my clients and  the modalities I use such as health coaching, Reiki, kinesiology, the Emotion Code and tapping to address the underlying causes of a client’s health issue.

My approach to working with clients is through the education and energetic model. I work the interface between the body, mind and soul, helping clients make connections and connect the dots. By working together we move from where they are to where they want to go. By setting goals I set markers for a client to work towards, and I provide support and guidance for the client along the way.

United States

James Duignam is a Health Coach who has been helping people take a holistic approach to their health, by supporting their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs for ten years. In addition to being a health coach, James is a Reiki and BKP Kinesiology practitioner, and employs different modalities to address the underlying causes that contribute to people’s health issues. Whatever your health goals, James will support you to make gradual, lifelong changes, that will enable you to reach your current and future goals, successfully. Moreover, James will show you how a holistic approach to health, can be the most effective way in supporting your overall health needs.

Additionally, James is the author of “Soular Return, Soulutions For Body, Mind and Soul”, and “Why Meditation Works: A Glimpse Inside Your Mind and Brain.”

Book Cover
Bernadette Rodriguez

It is believed that Ghosts continue existing even after the heart cease, and the corpse is cold. Ufo, ghosts, demons, BigFoot and others are a controversial topic. These sightings, and experiences fall under the category of paranormal phenomena. When something is considered paranormal, it simply means that science has no explanation for it. So if science can't explain it, it can't be real, right? Not necessarily. This just means that it hasn't been proven a fact, it's all in theory. We are helping to disprove or support this theory. We have a diverse group of believers and skeptics. A medium, a sensitive, and all walks of lifes and beliefs. We are all trying to help people and find answers.

United States

Hello, I am Bernadette from Paranormal Travelers. I am historian/investigator for our team. I am inquiring about a possible guest spot on your show. We have a diverse team, that's starting season 3 on YouTube. Our paranormal investigation group was co-founded by Richard Newell and Michael Rossi, a Medium. Paranormal Travelers is based out of Edwardsville, Pennsylvania. We investigate the paranormal, haunting's and anything unexplained. At each investigation, we film each episode, using the most up to date equipment available. Since, we are non- profit, we film and produce each episode ourselves. We are unique, because of the make-up of the group. We have believers and skeptics. Regardless of our beliefs, we are searching for answers. We have a resident medium, Micheal, who can talk and see the dead. There are also sensitives and a team member working towards their Masters, in the field of Psychology. We not only look at experiences and evidence, but try to debunk, disprove our findings first. Our main goal is too help our clients however we can. It would be a privilege to be a guest on your show. Thank you for your time. Yours Truly, Bernadette R. Contact Michael Rossi or Richard Newell: Co-founders/ Leads Phone: (570-793-0998 ) OR (570-301-3016), E-mail:

Cynthia Saarie

It wasn't a huge leap to go from vocalist to speaking for voiceover work. It wasn't a huge leap to go from speaking in church to getting certified as a Lay Speaker and developing church services. Studying my belief lead to writing down my thoughts and that lead to actually writing a book. It suprised me that it was one of only five books of a religious nature accepted into China for the 2015 Beijing Book Fair and given a 5 Star review by Reader's Favorites. When I retired from the USPS as a Postal Window Clerk, I had 30 years of customer service. I had to find a way to be of use to businesses now that I wasn't helping them the way I had through my old job. I had started doing the voiceover work and it dawned on me that the ads that really worked were visual, not just text. I started putting still pictures with everything I was posting. I came across a program that helped me put about 25 pictures with music, text and voiceover into it. Oh, it was fun and colorful and was a needed service that I could sell. I joined earlier in the year to start focusing on my voiceover auditions. Then I joined to sell those voiceover services and now the slideshow videos to the masses of small cash strapped businesses for an inexpensive price and a lot of bang for their few bucks. I produced several commercials, linked them to my website and feeling sales and promo videos to help businesses raise their bottom line before years end. I also pitched my own cd that I produced after writing my book. The book was sold on Barnes and Noble and Amazon, but the cd was my own. I offered a BoGo for December on my cd when people signed up for my newsletter and increased my email list. I placed myself  and connected with over 2500 connections on LinkedIn and pitched my website. The clientele on LinkedIn had more business savey than many looking for a bargain on My videos were seen and commented on. My website brings in a larger audience. I produced a video and posted it on Facebook and LinkedIn for my church. This would be their 4th Annual Cookie Sale. It brought people in from more than 20 miles away to purchase cookies at $7 a pound. The church netted over $800 profit after all expenses were met. This is a few months heating bills in winter. A total success. I enrolled in several copywriting and B2B copywriting. With my entertaining musical experience, I realized the powerful results of words and video. I lived many hard years early in my adult life, they allowed me the ability to empathize with problems many suffer with. It becomes evident in my singing, speaking and now writing. I am truly enjoying retirement!

United States

Born in Syracuse,  NY  on March 23, 1958 to a father that was a drill Instructor in the Marines for WW2 and the Korean War and built houses when I was very young, and switched inside to the Postal Service. He started there as a custodian, but they realized his electrical abilities and sent him to school in OK. He is the one responsible for me even ever considering looking to be hired there. The Post Office was not on my radar. My mother was a nurse at a local hospital. She was an LPN, not a RN. She was part-time and although she worked at least 40 hours a week, when she retired, she received no pension. Coming from a two working parent family, my mother worked nights and my dad worked days. I was the oldest of three girls born. I always felt bad for my dad living in a house with four women and only one bathroom!  I took dance lessons, piano lessons and gymnastic lessons. I had balance and I'm short. Two necessary components to being a great gymnast. I took second place in NYS in my 9th grade. I was told I would own a full scholarship in gymnastics to LSU, who had the premier women's gymnastics team if I continued my emerging talent. I broke my right arm one night in 10th grade at a parental open house. There went my dreams. There was no scholarship. No hope for the 1980 Olympics. (those Summer Olympics were boycotted in Russia) I was victim to poor hospital practices and received a Mersa infection in my arm which ate away more than three inches of bone. People had to keep me isolated, masks, gloves and gowns. No one from my school would come to tutor me. Is was not the law back then, in 1974, to send someone to teach those in a hospital. Any hope of excelling in education escaped me. I graduated with a C- average, and that was only due my sheer determination to graduate. I continued singing, which besides art classes, was the only thing I could do well. I auditioned and was accepted to the America's Youth in Concert, a traveling choir 350 voices which traveled all over Europe singing. We began at Independence Mall in Philadelphia, PA on the 4th of July, 1976, on the Country's 200th year old birthday celebration.  Then on to Carnegie Hall, NYC and off to Europe. Those who were enrolled in a college that following fall received 9 college credits for their participation. I got nothing but wonderful memories. I came back to the USA with no planned future. No college, no job. My life changed drastically from that point on. TO BE CONTINUED...

"Are You in the Will?" , by Cynthia J Eckert Saarie
Patricia Cori

She’s been dubbed a “real life Indiana Jones” by fans and the media – an inspiring icon of truth and a living model of the adventurer within us all. Internationally acclaimed author Patricia Cori is one of the most well-known and established authorities on the realms of the mystic, whose views of the world challenge the status quo and confront the issues that concern us all today. She’s a pioneer of the alternative thought community. She loves to “stretch the imagination” with visions of what might very well be, as science fiction becomes reality every day in our rapidly changing world. With fourteen books, published in more than twenty foreign languages, she has been a key voice in the alternative media for decades, bringing paradigm-busting information to the public since 1996.   The former host of the popular radio show, Beyond the Matrix, she has herself been interviewed on hundreds of talk radio and TV programs, including CNN, Coast to Coast a.m. with George Noory, WABC, Fade to Black with Jimmy Church,  Exopolitics with Alfred Webre, Playboy Radio, the Urban Journal Radio, KJAC Radio Montreal, 21st Century Radio, Fringe Radio, Unity FM, and a host of others. She has also appeared in documentary films.  Her latest work, The New Sirian Revelations, Galactic Prophecies for the Awakening Human Collective, has just been released Dec. 5 2017 to the enthusiastic response from her global audience. Twenty years since she first reconnected and attuned to a group of extra-dimensional light beings that her readers have come to know as the Sirian High Council, this collective returns, through Patricia’s dedicated process as their Scribe, with new revelations that affirm the veracity of earlier prophecies, while transmitting new visions for the human race. They affirm that we are ascending through the outer reaches of the fourth dimension into new levels of conscious awareness and parallel realities, as we prepare for our imminent emergence. Their messages delve into crucial issues facing humankind and the planet today, to include the merging of mind and AI, exoplanetary migrations for our species (and what that means for planets that will receive us), coming clean about cloning, the care and feeding of the human soul, and the slipping of the time-space continuum.

"Infinite in its extent, The New Sirian Revelations presages a planetary renewal that significantly and convincingly bridges the cosmos and the collective consciousness of our global human community."  -Michael Bernard Beckwith Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center 

"The Speakers of the Sirian High Council have transmitted to us a deep dive corroboration of the science-based discovery of the Omniverse. -Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd,  Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe 

For more information please contact:     

Patricia Cori

US: 1-415-644-5224

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it,” stated Albert Einstein. In her newest book, Patricia Cori’s readers are taken on a journey of conscious awakening that bridges fact with fiction. Just as George Orwell might now be considered a prophet, The New Sirian Revelations offers a visionary perspective of the state of our planet; how it came to be dominated by dark forces; and what we can do to transcend this deliberate form of manipulation that propagates the agendas of the masters of mankind.

During an extraordinary out-of-body experience in 1996, Patricia Cori was summoned by a group of interdimensional light beings identified as the Sirian High Council, to serve as their transmitter. Many credible scholars have written about the corrupt hidden forces that have controlled humanity for millennia, causing untold suffering and endless war. Patricia Cori’s messages from the Sirian High Council validate the academic works of intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky. In her newest book, she delivers insights about the agenda of the dark forces and how humanity can break free from its subliminal programming to achieve the level of consciousness that will prevent an apocalypse.

“The secret government still holds a monopoly on the disclosure of exoplanetary life and communications from other dimensions,” notes Cori. “Considering a recent New York Times expose about the Pentagon’s mysterious U.F.O. program, it is safe to assume that information provided by the government about this secret operation will only support the propaganda that they intend to disseminate about life beyond your planet.”

During her remarkable journey with the Sirian Light Emissaries, Cori’s previous books have shared messages of hope and positive transformation. She now conveys revelations that affirm the veracity of past prophecies and transmit a new vision for humans wherein the truth shall set us free.

About Patricia Cori: 

Patricia Cori is an internationally acclaimed author and thought leader. The former host of the popular radio show Beyond the Matrix, she has been a guest on hundreds of radio and TV programs, including CNN and Coast to Coast FM. Previous books in the Sirian Revelations series are The Cosmos of Soul, Atlantis Rising, and No More Secrets, No More Lies.

The Sirian Prophecies - Galactic Prophecies for the Awakening Human Collective 

ON SALE 12/5/2017 


TR: 9781623171711 / $18.95/$24.95 

EL: 9781623171728 / $12.99/$24.95 

Page Count: 256 

Trim Size: 6 x 9 

Illustrations: 19 B/W IMAGES 

BISAC 1: Body, Mind & Spirit - Channeling & Mediumship 

BISAC 2: Body, Mind & Spirit - Parapsychology - Esp (Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy) 

BISAC 3: Body, Mind & Spirit - Mindfulness & Meditation

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Annemarie Osborne, publicist at or by phone (949) 237-2906.

Paula Reynolds

Travel Professional

United States

Biography of Paula Reynolds

Paula Reynolds is the founder of the American Tour Guide Association. She is a Certified Travel Industry Specialist and a leader in hospitality when it comes to tourism.  Paula is passionate about travel and decided to make it her career. She started on the west coast and migrated to the east coast and now serves all 50 states. Paula has traveled to 38 countries and still counting. One of the qualities Paula brings to the industry is custom itineraries based on American themes. American Tour Guide Association won 2017 Best Tour Services in the USA by Lux Hospitality and is nominated for 2018. 

Kimberly Pendarvis

Greetings. I am interested in meeting a radio personality that would like to have me on their show to talk about my most recent work, 74 tears on file, a Sci-Fi genre. I am looking forward to talking about the different angles of the book. Having me on will be a pleasure.

United States

I was born and raised in Montgomery Alabama. Since then I have travelled to many different states such as Georgia, Florida, Tennessee. I began writing almost 20 years ago. I started off as an artist who they began to make stories out of my work. Since then I have written three novels, two historical fiction novels and one science fiction novel.

Lance Eberhardt

My family was recently featured on the television show The Dead Files. Our episode aired this past May. Although the show did a great job telling our story, it's more of a Cliff Note's version of what happened to us. There was so much more that didn't make the show. Our experiences that lead up to contacting the show were terrifying and heartbreaking. It left us drained emotionally and psychically. It is something that we are still recovering from. Part of our recovery, and a goal of ours, is to share our story with others. Our hope is that it will help one family come forward and get help. There are so many people out there that are too afraid to talk about what's happening to them for fear of being ridiculed or made fun of. No one should suffer in silence. 


Lance Eberhardt and his family moved to the small rural town of Kearney Missouri 9 years ago and they currently live on a small horse ranch on 15 acres.  Lance was attracted to the area because of the rich Western history, as it was the birth & burial site of the outlaw Jesse James as well as many others who lived or passed through the area.  He & his wife, along with their 4 daughters thought that escaping the larger cities would be a better & safer place to live.  However, that proved not to the case as unexplained things starting happening and escalated to the point of violence; attacking the family from all angles. Seeking help was hard as some didn't believe or were too scared to help.  It wasn't until they sought the help from The Dead Files that they finally got control of their home and can finally live somewhat of a normal life.