Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure
Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure
Catalytic Radio with Host Sheryl Hirsch Kramer's stated mission is to celebrate the catalytic power of love. Instead of discussing love, our next episode will celebrate the catalytic power of trust. Can trust be taught? If so, how? Ken Ferber of Wolf Connection will share the inspiring story of how abused, rescued, and neglected wolves and high content wolf hybrids team with high risk youth who share similar backgrounds. Wolf Connection is a youth education and empowerment program, with rescued wolves and wolfdogs as the centerpiece.
This week on ‘Conscious Conversations’, Joan and Janet talk about New Beginnings. This is the time of year for starting something new, although potential can happen at any time. What is being released in your life to make way for something new to emerge? We'll address these things and more from the greater perspective of Consciousness!
Is male or female circumcision an outdated religious/cultural practice? Mr. Steven Svoboda, Founder and Executive Director of ARC (Attorneys for the Rights of the Child) will be our guest addressing the issue of genital integrity. ARC is a non-profit organization founded to secure equal protection for, and broaden judicial and public recognition of, children’s legal and human rights to bodily integrity and self-determination. ARC also focuses on female genital mutilation also known as FGM.
We are moving through a time of tremendous change! One of the aspects of this transformational time is that we are creating new and fresh perspectives on the meaning of the passages and initiations of our lives. By becoming more aware and "conscious" about death, we no longer need to fear it.
As the "BEING" of March rapidly culminates and the intensity of the rising April ACTION starts calling...exactly what is going on and how does this affect you? With the heightened sense of Polarity, beating war drums and daily chaos, is it possible to discover your peace-filled center at this time?
Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama, along with Caroline Jones and Angel Sue
2nd hour guest Jacqueline Smith