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Have you ever tried to find toothpaste that did not have ingredients such as glycerin, fluoride, foaming agents, or coloring? Our guest Darryl Bosshardt will introduce us to a product called ‘Earthpaste’ and we’ll discuss why ‘brushing your teeth with clay’ may be a healthy alternative to brushing with common forms of toothpaste!

The Journey 8 with Rev Judy Hosner

with co-host Wasif Qureshi and guest Jenn

Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

Tonight on ‘Conscious Conversations’ Joan and Janet talk about Time and Consciousness. Is Time speeding up? Our measurement of time (hours, days, weeks, time zones, etc.) is made up. Joan and Janet will discuss Time from the perspective of Consciousness vs. the perspective of physical form. We may even share some Consciousness techniques for shrinking and expanding Time!

Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to work with REAL wolves up close? Our guest, Ken Ferber is here to talk about the many years of being a volunteer for a wolf Sanctuary called the Wolf Connection.  Wolf Connection is a youth education and empowerment program, with rescued wolves and wolf dogs as the centerpiece. Wolf Connection believes that the deep understanding of our relationships with animals and the environment is paramount in our development as individuals, productive societies, and sustainable civilization on this planet.

Founder and CEO of Trueify, LLC - Communications executive with expertise in reputation management, crisis communications and media relations.
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Whether you are feeling the "Bern" or noticing the vast rise of Positive and Negative energy, this is the moment to PAY ATTENTION to the TRUTH of what is means to be Authentic!  We have arrived at a moment where the "word" Authentic has found its way into the mainstream, yet is this a good thing or yet another manipulation of Ascension Consciousness?

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Shonda Garrison

Interview with Patrick Andries, author "Naked In Public"

The Military Exchange Talk Show with Corporal Timothy Thornton

The Military Exchange Talk Show with Corporal Timothy Thornton and Guests Mike and Bob

"Here We Go Again" Not only does that apply to our weekly program, but it's the subject of said program.
I had a conversation with a Zen Buddhist who had been practicing for over 20 years.  I asked him, "What have you learned?" He said, "What comes around goes around."
So there you have it.

​​Just take these presidential race, for example.  "Here We Go Again" --giving our power (and money) away to our image of someone who we believe will solve "It" for us.